Types of Network Topologies with Examples
There are mainly six main types of Network Topologies which are explained below. Network Topology examples are also given below.
Network Topology Types and Examples
The main types of topology are,
1. Bus Topology
2. Ring Topology
3. Star Topology
4. Mesh Topology
5. TREE Topology
6. Hybrid Topology
Bus Topology
It is the simplest network topology among all topologies. In this topology, all computers and networking devices are connected to a single Backbone Cable. In the below figure, you can see the diagram of Bus Topology.
In a bus topology, data can flow in one direction only. Bust topology is the most cost-effective topology than other topologies because of less cable required, and simple and easy installation, and administration.
Example of Bus Topology
The 10BASE-2 network is an example of bus topology which is used in earlier days. Nowadays the bus topology is not used.
Ring Topology
In the Ring Topology, all the computers and networking devices are connected in a circular path or closed loop. The last end of the network is connected to the first end. In the below figure, you can see the diagram of the ring topology.
In the ring topology, the data transmission is unidirectional. When data is transmitted between two devices, the data packet flows through all the nodes in the network so there is a chance of data loss. Sometimes repeater is used in a ring topology to prevent and reduce data loss.
Example of Ring Topology
SONET Ring Network is an example of Ring Topology. SONET stands for Synchronous Optical Network.
Star Topology
In the star topology, all the computers and networking devices are connected to a single hub. This single hub acts as the central hub for all computers. You can see the diagram of star topology in the below figure.
Data always transmits through the central hub which means when a sender sends data, it will flow through the central hub and goes to the receiver. The central hub in star topology acts as a repeater. The whole network depends upon the single hub. The central hub may be a router or switch.
Example of Star Topology
Star topology is mostly used for LAN(Local Area Network). In a small area, building, home, office, etc LAN networking with a star topology system is used.
Mesh Topology
In the Mesh Topology, all devices are connected to each other so here a point-to-point connection is formed between networking devices. In the below figure, you can see the diagram of Mesh Topology.
In the mesh topology, data transmission is based on two techniques that are Routing and Flooding. Mesh topology is classified into two types that are Partial-Mesh Topology and Full Mesh Topology. Mesh topology requires more cables which is why the cost of this network topology is very high than other topologies.
Example of Mesh Topology
ALOHA and FabFi networking systems are examples of Mesh Topology. The wireless connection between mobile, and computers. laptops can be said an example of mesh topology.
TREE Topology
The networking topology based on the hierarchy technique is called Tree Topology. Here you can see the diagram of Tree Topology in the below figure.
The Tree topology is best for a wide area network. Here adding and removing nodes are very easy and simple. The administration process is also very simple. Faults can be found easily. The management of the whole network is divided into each networking device or computer of that network.
Example of TREE Topology
The Corporate Network is mainly based on the TREE Topology which helps to maintain the management system.
Hybrid Topology
When a network is made by mixing two or more topologies then it is called Hybrid Topology. Here you can see the diagram of the hybrid network topology in the below figure.
The largest network uses a hybrid topology. The hybrid topology is very flexible and effective. The cost of the whole network is very very high. The network is very complex in design. More security system is needed in this topology system.
Example of Hybrid Topology
Our great INTERNET is an example of a hybrid topology.
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Types of Network Topologies with Examples
Reviewed by Author
June 29, 2019