Inductor Color Code to Value Calculator(3, 4, and 5 Band)
Here, in this Inductor Color Code to Value Calculator, you can calculate the Inductance and tolerance value by using the color codes. This calculator allows you to calculate the value for 3 Band, 4 Band, and 5 Band Inductors.
How to Use This Calculator?
Follow these steps to use the above calculator,
1. Choose the desired calculator: The calculator contains three different tabs for 3-band, 4-band, and 5-band inductor color codes. Select the calculator you want to use by clicking on the corresponding tab.
2. Select color bands: For each band, there are multiple color options represented by dropdown menus. Choose the color for each band based on the color code of the inductor you are working with. The default selections in the dropdown menus represent commonly used colors.
3. Calculate the value: Once you have selected the colors for each band, click on the "Calculate" button to determine the value of the inductor. The calculator will perform the necessary calculations based on the selected color code.
4. View results: Once you click on the Calculate button, the calculated inductance value and tolerance will be displayed in the result area labeled "Inductance" and "Tolerance," respectively. The values will be shown in the form of different units such as microhenries (µH). millihenries(mH), or Henries(H) along with the tolerance percentage.
5. Reset or switch calculators: If you want to start over, click the "Reset" button to clear the selected colors and reset the calculator. If you wish to use a different calculator, click on the corresponding tab for the desired calculator (3-band, 4-band, or 5-band).
By following these above steps, you can easily utilize the calculator to determine the value of an inductor based on its color code, helping you in various electronic applications.
Here, are the formulas the calculator uses to calculate the inductance from color code,
Three(3) Band Inductor:
Inductance = (Band1 color code value * 10 + Band2 color code value) * 10^Band3 color code value
Four(4) Band Inductor:
Inductance = (Band1 color code value * 10 + Band2 color code value) * 10^Band3 color code value ± Tolerance
Here, Tolerance is represented by the Band4 color code value
Five(5) Band Inductor:
Inductance = (Band1 color code value * 100 + Band2 color code value * 10 + Band3 color code value) * 10^Band4 color code value ± Tolerance
Here, Tolerance is represented by the Band5 color code value
Here, you can see the Color Code value, Multiplier value, and Tolerance value for each color.
Color |
Code Value |
Value |
Value |
Black |
0 |
×1 |
- |
Brown |
1 |
×10 |
±1% |
Red |
2 |
×100 |
±2% |
Orange |
3 |
×1,000 |
- |
Yellow |
4 |
×10,000 |
- |
Green |
5 |
×100,000 |
±0.5% |
Blue |
6 |
×1,000,000 |
±0.25% |
Violet |
7 |
×10,000,000 |
±0.1% |
Gray |
8 |
×100,000,000 |
±0.05% |
White |
9 |
×1,000,000,000 |
- |
Gold |
- |
×0.1 |
±5% |
Silver |
- |
×0.01 |
±10% |
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Inductor Color Code to Value Calculator(3, 4, and 5 Band)
Reviewed by Author
July 26, 2023