Staircase Wiring Diagram(Control Light from 2 or More Places)

The staircase lighting system is designed and lights are installed on stairs in such a way that makes stairs safer and easier to use, especially in the dark or night-time. These systems not only make stairs safer but also look nice and modern. It's essential to plan and install them carefully to make sure they work well and follow the rules.

Generally, a single light is installed to illuminate the stair during dark times and two 2-way switches are used to control the light. Implementing a staircase lighting system using two-way switches allows you to control the lights from both the top and bottom of the stairs. Using two 2-way switches gives us the control of the light from two places only but we can also use an intermediate switch or crossover switch to control the light from more places.

If you use the same light up to the 2nd floor then we need the arrangement to control the light from three different places - ground floor, first floor, and second floor. Anyway, in this article, we are going to see the Stair Case Wiring Diagram for controlling two or more places.

The advantage of using two-way switches is that you can control the lights from either end of the staircase. It's especially useful when you are going up or down the stairs and need to turn the lights on or off without having to go to the other end. Having control from three places(using intermediate switches) gives you even more convenience, as you can turn the lights on or off from wherever you are on the staircase.

Control Light from Two Places (Using Two Way Switches)

Two-way switches are also known as SPDT(Single Pole Double Throw) Switches that have two control points, usually located at the top and bottom of the stairs. When you flip one switch, it can turn the lights on or off, and the other switch will mirror the same state. This way, you can control the lights no matter where you are on the staircase.

Wiring Diagram

Here you can see the wiring diagram of Staircase Lighting with Two Way Switches for controlling from two places.

Staircase Wiring Diagram(Connection with Two Way Switch), Control Light from Two Places

Connection Procedure

1. The neutral terminal of the light is directly connected to the neutral terminal of the power source.

2. The upper terminal of both switches is connected together. Similarly, the lower terminal of both switches is connected together.

3. The middle terminal of switch 2 or that installed at the top of the stair is connected to the phase terminal of the light.

4. The middle terminal of switch 1 or that installed at the bottom of the stair is connected to the phase terminal of the power source.


Two-way switches are installed at the top and bottom of the stairs. If the lights are off, and you flip the switch at the top to turn them on, the lights will glow. Now, if you go down the stairs and flip the switch at the bottom to turn the lights off, the lights will go off. The same procedure will apply when you go from down to the top of the stair.

Control Light from Two Places (Using Three Way Switches)

The connection procedure and operation of three-way switches are the same as the two-way switches. The function of both switches is also the same. Just the difference is the three-way switch has an additional terminal for grounding. The terminals of the Two Way Switch are known as Common, L1, and L2 whereas the terminals of the Three Way Switch are known as Common, Traveller 1, and Traveller 2.  Actually, the terms two-way switch and three-way switch are used in different countries.

Here, you can see the wiring diagram of Staircase Lighting with Three Way Switches for controlling from two places.

Staircase Wiring Diagram(Connection with Three Way Switch), Control light from 2 Places

Control Light from Three Places(Using Intermediate or Crossover Switch)

Controlling staircase lights from three places can be achieved using intermediate switches in addition to the two-way switches or using crossover switches in addition to the three-way switches. The Intermediate or Crossover Switch is basically a DPDT(Double Pole Double Throw Switch).

The Intermediate and Crossover switch has the same function, connection procedure, and operating principle. Just the difference is the crossover switch has an additional terminal for grounding. The terminals of the Intermediate switch are known as L1, L2(inputs), and L2, L3(Outputs) whereas the terminals of the Crossover switch as Travellers. The terms switch Intermediate and Crossover switch are used in different countries. The Intermediate switch is also known as DPDT Three Way Switch. And the Crossover switch is also known as DPDT Four Way Switch.

Wiring Diagram

Here, you can see the wiring diagram of Staircase Lighting with Intermediate or Crossover Switches for controlling from three places.

Staircase Wiring Diagram(Crossover, Intermediate, 3 way, 4 way, DPDT switch), control light from three places

Connection Procedure

1. The neutral terminal of the light is directly connected to the neutral terminal of the power source.

2. Connect the common terminal of the two-way or three-way SPDT switch that is installed at the bottom of the stair(here ground floor) to the phase terminal of the power source.

3. Connect the common terminal of the two-way or three-way SPDT switch that is installed at the top of the stair(here second floor) to the phase terminal of the light.

4. Connect the other two terminals of the two-way or three-way SPDT switch that is installed at the bottom of the stair(here ground floor) to the input side traveler terminals of the intermediate or crossover switch that is installed at the middle of the stair(here first floor).

5. Connect the other two terminals of the two-way or three-way SPDT switch that is installed at the top of the stair(here second floor) to the output side traveler terminals of the intermediate or crossover switch that is installed at the middle of the stair(here first floor).

**Note that, if you want to control the light from more places then just add more intermediate or crossover switches**


Suppose you have two-way switches at the top(here second floor) and bottom of the stairs(here ground floor) and an intermediate switch in the middle(here first floor). When the lights are off, you can turn them on by flipping any of the three switches (top, bottom, or intermediate), and the lights will glow. If you want to turn the lights off, you can do so from any of the three switches as well.

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Staircase Wiring Diagram(Control Light from 2 or More Places) Staircase Wiring Diagram(Control Light from 2 or More Places) Reviewed by Author on August 07, 2023 Rating: 5
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