Actual Difference Between UPS and Inverter
UPS VS Inverter
The main difference between UPS and Inverter is, UPS provides the continuous power supply to the load for a short time in case of a main power supply cut but Inverter does not provide the continuous power supply to the load it takes some time to provide a power supply to the load in case of main power supply cut.
If we see technically, Inverter is a circuit or device which converts DC to AC and UPS is a device that is used to eliminate interrupt in a power supply that is why it is called Uninterruptible Power Supply. There is little difference between the working of UPS and Inverter. UPS and Inverter almost work the same.
Anyway, here we will discuss all the differences between Inverter and UPS which are used in our homes, and offices.
Constructional Difference between UPS and Inverter
As UPS is used to provide a continuous power supply to a particular load and Inverter is used to provide the power supply to many loads when the main supply is not available so Inverter has a bigger size than UPS but UPS has more complex circuitry than Inverter.
Block diagram of a simple UPS
As you see in the above block diagram, the UPS has the following important parts,
- Rectifier/Charger Circuit
- Battery
- Inverter Circuit
- Filter Circuit
Block diagram of a simple Inverter
As you see in the above block diagram, the Inverter has the following important parts,
- Battery
- DC to AC Converter Circuit
- Step Up transformer
- Output Circuit(filter)
Most of the UPS which used in our home, and office, has batteries inside it but Inverter has not any battery inside it. We need to connect batteries externally.
Difference between Services provide by UPS and Inverter
UPS provides a continuous power supply to the load when the main power supply is falls which means it does not take any time or take very less time to provide power when the main power supply is cut.
But Inverter takes some time to provide a power supply to the load when the main power supply is cut.
UPS can give power back for a short time from 10 minutes to 20 minutes. But Inverter can give power backup for a long time from 3 hrs to 6 hrs.
Difference between the connection of UPS and Inverter with the load
UPS is usually connected to a particular device such as a computer. But inverter is connected with more than one device such as light, TV, fans together.
The computer should not be connected directly to the Inverter because it needs some time to give back power.
A computer can be connected to both Inverter and UPS to get a continuous power supply for a long time without any interruption when the main power supply is not available.
Now let's see all the differences between UPS and Inverter in short.
Key Differences Between UPS and Inverter
(1) UPS is used to eliminate interruption in power supply that is why it is called Uninterruptible Power Supply. On the other hand, Inverter is a circuit or device which is used to provide a backup power supply when the main supply is not available.
(2) UPS provides an instant power supply to a load when the main power supply is cut. The inverter cannot provide a power supply instantly when the main power supply is cut.
(3) UPS also provides protection against voltage fluctuation, spike voltage, etc but Inverter does not provide any protection.
(4) Most of the UPS which used in our homes, and offices have a dry battery inside it but Inverter has not any battery inside it. We need to connect batteries externally with it. Generally, large wet batteries are used with inverters. For this reason, UPS does not need any battery maintenance but in the case of Inverter, we need to the maintenance of battery continuously.
(5) UPS can give backup power for 10 to 20 minutes but Inverter can give backup power for 3 to 6 hrs.
(6) Main parts of an Inverter are the Inverter circuit and Controller circuit. The main parts of a UPS are rectifier or charger circuit, inverter, controller.
(7) The main types of UPS are Offline UPS, Online UPS, and Line Interruptive UPS. The main types of inverters according to service are standby inverters, Grid-tie inverters.
(8) UPS is more excessive than Inverter.
(9) The switchover time of UPS is 3 to 8 milliseconds but the switchover time of the Inverter is 500 milliseconds.
(10) UPS are used with computers, servers, and medical equipment which need continuous power supplies and does tolerate delays in power supplies. On the other hand, Inverter is used with Light, Fans, TV, etc.
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Actual Difference Between UPS and Inverter
Reviewed by Author
March 28, 2019