Top 5 essential application software for Electrical Engineering
Best 5 essential application software for Electrical Engineering.
If you want to become a good electrical engineer then you must have a good knowledge of electrical engineering and also be a smart worker. If you want to smart yourself in electrical engineering then you must know about some application software which is essential application software for electrical engineering.
Top 5 essential application software for Electrical Engineering is given below:
(1) AutoCAD:
CAD means Computer Aided Design. AutoCAD is a very useful Computer-Aided Design software for electrical drawing. You can make the electrical drawings in 2D as well as 3D using this software.
(2) PSpice:
It is a very popular simulator application software. The full form of PSpice is a Personal (Computer) Simulation Program with an Integrated Circuit Emphasis. It is a very good application software for designing and developing analog circuits for simulation.
(3) Proteus:
It is also a simulation and circuit design application software.
(4) Circuit Wizard:
The Circuit Wizard is a very good simulation and circuit design software for electrical and electronics engineering. Here you can see a demo of how to use it step by step. This software can be used for programming microcontrollers.
(5) Logisim:
As an electrical engineer, you must have some basic knowledge of electronics like logical circuits. Logisim is a very useful software for solving logical problems that contain logic gates. It is a logic simulator application.
There is much software available on the internet for electrical engineering, but most people use the above five software which is "Essential application software for Electrical Engineering."
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Top 5 essential application software for Electrical Engineering
Reviewed by Author
October 14, 2018