Difference between Alternator VS Motor Explained

motor alternator difference, motor symbol, alternator symbol
Alternator and Motor Symbol

In simple engineering words, the main difference between Alternator and Motor is, the alternator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy whereas the motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. We can understand it very easily by their applications.

For example, in our houses, offices electricity comes from thermal power plants, hydropower plants. They generate that electricity through the alternator only. They convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. On other hand, electric fans, Mixer Grinder, Washing Machines are the applications of electric motors and they convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. So motor and alternator exactly opposite to each other. 
Let's see the other key differences between Motor and Alternator.

Alternator VS Motor

1. Alternator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy whereas Motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

2. The term 'Alternator' indicates it works with Alternating Current only or AC but the motor may be an AC Motor or DC Motor or Universal Motor. AC Motor works with AC supply, DC motor work with DC supply, and universal motor work with both AC and DC supply.

3. Generator or Alternator works on the principle of Fleming's Right-Hand Rule whereas Motor works on the principle of Fleming's Left Hand Rule.

4. Alternator is considered as an electrical power generating device whereas the electric motor is considered as an electrical load.

5. Motor is an inductive load that always causes the low power factor whereas the alternator can cause a leading power factor when its prime mover fails in parallel operation.

6. Alternator generates electricity whereas motor consumes electricity. In other words, alternator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy whereas an electrical motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Alternator Applications

Alternators are used in Electrical Power Generation Plants, Automobiles, etc. In automobiles, Alternators are used for battery charging.

Motor Applications

Electric Motors are used everywhere such as Elevators, Electric Cranes, Actuators, Fans, etc. From domestic to industrial, almost 80% of electrical power consuming devices are built with electric motor.

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Difference between Alternator VS Motor Explained Difference between Alternator VS Motor Explained Reviewed by Author on June 21, 2021 Rating: 5
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