How to Step Up 12V DC to 240V DC
How to Step Up 12V DC to 240V DC
We cannot directly Step Up DC voltage through the Transformer because a transformer cannot work on the DC supply. If you want to know why a transformer cannot work on a DC supply, you can read the post "Transformer can work on DC supply: Right or Wrong"
In this post, we described how to step up 12V DC to 240V DC using IC 4047. The circuit diagram is given below. This circuit can be called an inverter circuit. Just removing the rectifier circuit after the transformer you can use it as an Inverter circuit.
In the above circuit, the input voltage is 12V DC. You can give any voltage between 5V to 12V. You can also give a voltage above 12V changing the transformer. The IC 7805 is used for giving 5V DC voltage to the IC 4047. Pin 4,5,6,14 is shorted and connected to the output of IC 7805. Pins 8,9,12 are shorted and connected to the ground. Pin 10 and pin 11 are connected to the drain terminals of the MOSFETs through 100ohm resistors. Pins 1,2,3 are connected to each other through a capacitor and a variable resistor. The variable resistor is used for control triggering.
In this circuit, DC is converted to AC by the IC 4047. But its output is less than 5V. The MOSFETs are used to convert 5V AC to 12V AC(same as the input voltage). Then 12V AC is Stepped Up to 240V AC by the Transformer. In this circuit, a center-tapped transformer is used. A Step-Down Transformer can be used as Step Up Transformer.
Read Also:
- 230V AC to 12V DC Dual Power Supply Circuit Diagram
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- DC to AC Converter(Inverter) Circuit Diagram and Connection
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How to Step Up 12V DC to 240V DC
Reviewed by Author
October 14, 2018